Category Archives: 2016

2016, 04/14 – The Genie Within with Harry Carpenter

Harry was conditioned with the idea that his mind could do almost anything at a young age. He came down with a life-threatening sickness when he was 9. After being bed-ridden for a year and getting worse, his parents hired a practitioner trained in mental healing. The practitioner cured him. The impressionable mind of a 10-year-old boy reasoned that if his mind could heal him, it could do almost anything. He began looking for the secret. It took decades before ...

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2016, 04/07 – Positive Thinking Will Never Change Your Life with David Essel

David Essel, M.S. is an Author, National Radio and Television Host, Master Life and Business Coach, Adjunct Professor, All Faiths Minister, Addiction Recovery Coach and International Speaker. His mission is to inspire others to reach their own exceptional potential in their business and personal life. David’s professional presentations on how to lead a passionate and inspiring life have drawn rave reviews from corporations such as Chico’s, Nestlé, and Boeing, media outlets such as FOX TV and Premiere/ iHeart Radio, as ...

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2016, 03/24 – Crisis By Design with John Truman Wolfe

Is there really a Global Financial Ruler? One that dictates policy to the Central Banks of the world? Is there a Central Bank of central banks, that is senior to the U. S. Federal Reserve Bank, the Bank of England and the other national banks that control interest rates, inflation, deflation, prosperity and depression? Such a bank not only exists, but John Truman Wolfe exposed this heretofore unseen hand in the Global Financial Crisis of 2008 and their plans for ...

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2016, 03/17 – Habits of a Happy Brain with Loretta Graziano Breuning, Ph.D.

Loretta Graziano Breuning is founder of the Inner Mammal Institute and author of Habits of a Happy Brain: Retrain your brain to boost your serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin and endorphin levels. Dr. Breuning was not convinced by the theories of human motivation she was teaching as Professor of Management at California State University. She kept researching until she uncovered the brain chemistry we share with animals. Then everything made sense, and she began creating resources to help people manage their neurochemistry ...

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2016, 03/10 – Aztec UFO Incident with Scott and Suzanne Ramsey

The high desert of New Mexico, March 25, 1948 early morning a rancher leaves his house to let his goats out of the corral. There is a loud noise that draws his eyes to the sky where he sees a silver flying saucer wobbling as if in distress. The saucer scrapes along a rock cliff causing sparks. It then heads north and lands on a mesa. There a group of witnesses gather to examine the craft including ranchers, oil field ...

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2016, 03/03 – Reverse Speech with David Oates

David has had an active career now spanning 32 years, furthering the field of Reverse Speech as his full time occupation. He has developed new theories, and designed therapeutic and training techniques. He has published several books on Reverse Speech has appeared on dozens of television programs, including Larry King Live, Geraldo, Leeza Gibbons, and Strange Universe. Eldon and David will discuss the use of reverse speech in many modalities including psychology and crime. Overcoming his speech stutter, David has ...

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2016, 02/25 – Self-Conscious Mind with Robert and Suzanne Mays

Robert and Suzanne Mays have studied the phenomena related to near-death experiences (NDEs) together for over 30 years, although neither has had a near-death experience. They focus their research on using NDE phenomena to understand how consciousness works with the brain. Based on their research, Robert and Suzanne Mays have proposed the idea of the self-conscious mind or simply “mind”. They propose that: The human being consists of an energetic “mind” that is united with a material brain and body. ...

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2016, 02/18 – Gotcha: The Subordination of Free Will

Explore the psychology of manipulation with Dr. Eldon Taylor and Ravinder Taylor as they discuss his new bestselling book, “Gotcha! The Subordination of Free Will.” Learn how simple primes like smiling faces, color, flags, cleaners, briefcases and so much more actually lead us to make choices and how these primes are used to exploit us all everyday. Have you ever asked yourself, “Why did I buy that?” and/or “Why did I do that?” Learn why in this hour of tantalizing ...

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Gotcha by Eldon Taylor

Eldon's InnerTalk Technology

InnerTalk is the patented technology created by Eldon Taylor. It is the only such technology to be researched by numerous independent universities and institutions and be demonstrated effective at priming how you speak to yourself. When your inner talk changes, so does your life!

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