Robert and Suzanne Mays have studied the phenomena related to near-death experiences (NDEs) together for over 30 years, although neither has had a near-death experience. They focus their research on using NDE phenomena to understand how consciousness works with the brain. Based on their research, Robert and Suzanne Mays have proposed the idea of the self-conscious mind or simply “mind”. They propose that: The human being consists of an energetic “mind” that is united with a material brain and body. The mind is a “field of consciousness.”
Robert received a Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry from MIT and worked in software development at Eastman Kodak Company and IBM Corporation for more than 30 years, where he achieved the level of Senior Software Engineer. In retirement, he has taught high school chemistry at several Waldorf schools in the U.S. including the Emerson Waldorf School here in Chapel Hill.
Suzanne received an Associate in Arts degree in medical secretarial science from Alfred State College. As a Certified Music Practitioner with the lyre, she has provided palliative care to patients at UNC Hospitals and Duke University Medical Center. She also teaches lyre privately and at the Emerson Waldorf School.
Robert serves on the Board of the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) and both Suzanne and Robert lead a local IANDS NDE Group that meets once a month in Durham.
To learn more about Robert and Suzaane Mays, please visit and
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