Category Archives: 2016

2016, 02/11 – When Technology Fails with Matthew Stein

Matthew Stein is a design engineer who is also a National Merit Scholar and a graduate of (MIT) where he majored in Mechanical Engineering. He is an expert at self-reliance, emergency prepping, and survival, his writings and work help people prepare to weather the storms we are facing due to continuing climate change, global refugee crises, ecological decline and the potential for long term multinational disruption due to EMP, solar storms, or pandemic. Stein has appeared on numerous radio and ...

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2016, 02/04 – Roots of Consciousness with Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove

Dr. Mishlove is the author of an encyclopedic volume of consciousness studies, The Roots of Consciousness. He holds the only doctoral diploma in “Parapsychology” to be awarded by an accredited American university (University of California, Berkeley). A revision of his doctoral dissertation, Psi Development Systems, was released in 1988 as a Ballantine paperback. This book evaluates methods purported to train psychic abilities. His newest book, The PK Man presents a case study of unusual psychokinetic abilities. Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D., is ...

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2016, 01/27 – Metaphysical Speculations with Dr. Bernardo Kastrup

Originally Aired November 4th 2015. Join Eldon and Bernardo in a conversation about the multi-faceted exploration and critique of the human condition as it is presently manifested. Their conversation will be based upon Dr. Kastrup’s book, “Brief Peeks Beyond.” They will address science and philosophy, explore the underlying nature of reality, the state of our society and culture, the influence of the mainstream media, the nature of free will, neuroscience, skepticism and a number of other topics. Don’t miss this ...

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2016, 01/20 – The End of Materialism with Charles T. Tart

Originally aired August 12th, 2015 Charles T. Tart is internationally known for his more than 50 years of research on the nature of consciousness, altered states of consciousness (ASCs) and parapsychology, and is one of the founders of the field of Transpersonal (spiritual) Psychology. His work convinced him that there is a real important sense in which we are spiritual beings, but the too dominant materialist philosophy of our times, masquerading as genuine science, denies any possible reality to the ...

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2016, 01/13 – The Haunted House Diaries with William J. Hall

William J. Hall author of the paranormal best-seller The World’s Most Haunted House: The True Story of the Bridgeport Poltergeist on Lindley Street, returns with another profound investigation into the unknown. Experience a ‘paranormal crossroads’ where entities, spirits, cryptids, and UFOs all converge in an area that remains active to this day. Nestled deep in Litchfield Hills Connecticut, a 1790 farmhouse sits near the epicenter of a paranormal flap. Be sure to join us for this show.   To learn ...

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2016, 01/06 – Becoming Aware with Lisa Garr

In her never-before-revealed story, discover the life changing events that led Lisa Garr from her near-death experience, leaving her without the ability to say even a few words, to become a TV, radio and Internet sensation with a vision and a passion for changing lives with The Aware Show! After suffering her traumatic brain injury, Lisa learned visualization and mental exercises she includes in her book. The same practices she used to heal her brain and regain her cognition have ...

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