2016, 01/13 – The Haunted House Diaries with William J. Hall

Bill HallWilliam J. Hall author of the paranormal best-seller The World’s Most Haunted House: The True Story of the Bridgeport Poltergeist on Lindley Street, returns with another profound investigation into the unknown. Experience a ‘paranormal crossroads’ where entities, spirits, cryptids, and UFOs all converge in an area that remains active to this day. Nestled deep in Litchfield Hills Connecticut, a 1790 farmhouse sits near the epicenter of a paranormal flap. Be sure to join us for this show.


To learn more about William Hall, please go to www.worldsmosthauntedhouse.com.

To get your copy of The World’s Most Haunted House, click here.

To get your copy of The Haunted House Diaries, click here.


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