2015, 07/01 – Bringing Your Soul to Light with Dr. Linda Backman

Linda BackmanDr. Linda Backman, licensed psychologist and regression therapist, has been in private practice for more than 35 years. Since 1993, Dr. Backman has guided individuals in soul regression hypnotherapy to access their past and between lives. In this way, she assists people to more fully recognize who they are as a soul throughout repetitive lifetimes, and during the time we are not incarnate. Join us for a conversation on what she has learned.

In 1997, Dr. Backman and her husband, Dr. Earl Backman, established The Ravenheart Center, in Boulder, Colorado, dedicated to guiding individuals to discover their soul path. In addition, Linda co-founded The International Between Lives Regression Network in 2005, a network for regression therapists.

Dr. Backman is the author of Bringing Your Soul to Light: Healing Through Past Lives and the Time Between (Llewellyn, 2009) and The Evolving Soul: Spiritual Healing Through Past Life Exploration (Llewellyn, 2014).


To learn more about Dr. Backman, visit www.RavenheartCenter.com.

To get your copy of The Evolving Soul, please click here.

To get your copy of Bringing Your Soul to Light, please click here.


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