Category Archives: 2014

2014, 01/08 – Resolution Solutions with Dr. Enescu and DeDe Murcer Moffett

Join Eldon and Ravinder while they host two wonderful guests who both address the power of the mind. Cristian Enescu, M.D., speaks about the influence of thoughts on health and DeDe Murcer Moffett tells her story from addiction to fame and a life of her dreams by changing her inner talk. To learn more about DeDe Murcer Moffett and her work, please visit: To contact Dr. Enescu, please email him at or phone him in New York at ...

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Special Offers from Provocative Enlightenment, Eldon Taylor and InnerTalk
Gotcha by Eldon Taylor

Eldon's InnerTalk Technology

InnerTalk is the patented technology created by Eldon Taylor. It is the only such technology to be researched by numerous independent universities and institutions and be demonstrated effective at priming how you speak to yourself. When your inner talk changes, so does your life!

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