2018, 02/01 – Purpose and Desire in Biology

J Scott TurnerProfessor Scott Turner will discuss his latest work and new book that argues evolution is a cognitively driven phenomenon, and this has put him at odds with the prevailing Darwinism of modern biology. Championed by intelligent design groups while antagonizing certain evolution focused biologists, this show promises to be both informative and provocative.

J Scott Turner is a physiologist, an evolutionist and a Professor of Biology at the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry. He has worked for many years on the social physiology of termites, and has written extensively on the links between physiology, evolution and adaptation. His latest book, Purpose and Desire: What makes something alive and why modern Darwinism has failed to explain it, published in September of this year by HarperOne.


To learn more about J Scott Turner, visit www.jscottturner.com

To get your copy of Purpose and Desire, please click here.


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