2016, 10/13 – When Heaven Touches Earth with Lisa McCourt

Lisa McCourtLisa McCourt is a bestselling author and ghostwriter currently specializing in expanded consciousness projects. In her own name, she’s penned over three dozen books for both adults and children that have sold over seven million copies, among them the modern classic, I Love You, Stinky Face and its many sequels. Published by Hay House, Scholastic, HarperCollins, Penguin Random House, McGraw Hill, and Health Communications, her books have won 6 publishing awards, been featured on Lifetime TV, Fox News, CNN, and PBS, garnered praise from over 200 reviewers, and been translated into 11 languages. On the secret side of Lisa’s publishing path, she’s been the silent ghostwriter for many prominent thought-leaders, from New York Times bestselling authors to Emmy and Golden Globe-nominated Hollywood stars. A former popular CBS Radio host and a frequent speaker at both writing conferences and self-growth events, she brings her passion and unique blend of skill-sets to an eclectic career path that is ever mysteriously unfolding, just the way she likes it.


To learn more about Lisa McCourt, go to www.lisamccourt.com

To get your copy of When Heaven Touches Earth, please click here.


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