Howard Falco is a Peak Performance or “mindfulness” coach to college and professional athletes (MLB, NHL, NFL), CEOs and corporate executives, and individuals looking for a new way of overcoming life’s challenges and achieving exceptional results. He has authored two books about self-awareness and the power of personal creation. His first one is titled, I Am: The Power of Discovering Who You Really Are and his second book is, Time In A Bottle: Mastering The Experience of Life.
In late 2002, in the middle of ordinary life, this married father of two went through a sudden and extraordinary expansion of mind. The dramatic depth and breadth of this shift unveiled the answers to many of the largest and deepest questions that humanity seeks answers for on a regular basis, such as, “Why am I here?”, “How do I create my deepest dreams and desires.” and “How do I achieve lasting peace and fulfillment?”
During his awakening the core essence underlying all human creation, action, reaction, joys and suffering was revealed to him. Stunned and inspired by this occurrence and the resulting powerful knowledge, Howard set out to honor what happened by sharing what he learned and teaching others how to tap into this state of mind and being.
For Howard, the most thrilling revelation of his new insight is that everyone has the opportunity to experience this awareness and the freedom it brings. He states, “The issue is not whether the answers to any of your questions exist, but only a matter of if you are ready to embrace the new way of looking at and experiencing the world that these answers will bring.”
Through his books, speeches and private coaching, Howard presents the wisdom regarding how to harness more of the creative energy we each have within us. Offered are the keys to taking complete control of the creative process of life and time from this precious moment forward.
To learn more about Howard Falco, visit
To get your copy of I Am: The Power of Discovering Who You Really Are, please click here.
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