2016, 06/30 – Modern Day Liberalism with J.D. Mitschke

JD MitschkeThis one promises to be controversial. “Modern Day Liberalism: Exploring The Psychological Foundations of the Disorder,” proposes that not only do people have their heads in the sand with regard to the real world, but liberalism has gone so far as to be considered a disorder classified in the Diagnostic Manual as such. Mitschke views modern liberalism as a distorted emotionality that bring about disastrous results. “Emotional disharmonies form the foundation of Modern-Day Liberalism.”

J.D. Mitschke resides in central California. Having an extensive educational background in the psychological sciences; holding a Bachelors Degree in Psychology, a Masters Degree in Psychological Counseling, a Bachelors Degree of Metaphysical Science, trained and certified as a Practitioner of Hypnosis, and a member of the National Board for Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists; J.D. currently offers workshops and presentations to groups under the title of, “The Primary Human Emotions & the Structure of the Personality”. Also offered is hypnosis instruction available to individuals and groups.


To learn more about J.D. Mitschke, go to www.citizenawaken.com.

To get your copy of Modern Day Liberalism, please click here.


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