2014, 12/31 – Life After Death with Raymond Moody

Raymond Moody, M.D., Ph.D. is the bestselling author of eleven books which have sold over 20 million copies. His seminal work, Life After Life, has completely changed the way we view death and dying and has sold over 13 million copies worldwide. His latest book is Glimpses of Eternity: Sharing a Loved One’s Passage from this Life to the Next.

Dr. Moody is the leading authority on the “near-death experience”–a phrase he coined in the late seventies. He is best known for his ground-breaking work on the near-death experience and what happens when we die. The New York Times calls Dr. Moody “the father of the near-death experience.”

To learn more about Dr. Moody and his work, please visit: www.lifeafterlife.com/

To get you copy of Life After Life, please click here.


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