2013, 10/03 – Trusting the Holy Spirit’s Plan of Forgiveness with Gary Renard

Gary R. Renard, the best-selling author of The Disappearance of the Universe and Your Immortal Reality, was born on the historic North Shore of Massachusetts. He became a successful professional guitar player, but during the harmonic convergence of 1987, he heard a Calling and began to take his life in a different direction. At the beginning of the 1990s, he moved to Maine, where he underwent a powerful spiritual awakening. As instructed, he slowly and carefully wrote Disappearance over a period of nine years. In the fall of 2003, after much encouragement from other speakers and students, Gary began to present talks and workshops in public. His speaking career took off remarkably fast, and today he lectures internationally. Combining a disarming sense of humor with radical, cutting-edge metaphysical information and experiential exercises, this acclaimed teacher of A Course in Miracles has been described as one of the most interesting and courageous spiritual speakers in the world.

During the last few years Gary has been busy teaching (and sometimes introducing) A Course in Miracles in 24 countries and 43 states, with multiple visits to many of those countries and states; He’s done hundreds of radio and print interviews, appeared in 7 documentary movies, recorded 46 podcasts, won the Infinity Foundation Spirit Award, had at least 30 videos at Youtube, recorded 3 audio CDs for Sounds True, (one of them 7 plus hours which was unedited) plus a music CD and a Meditation CD with Cindy Lora-Renard, filmed several DVDs, gotten divorced, moved from Maine to California, and gotten married again; created a TV Series based on his books, wrote the pilot script for the TV Series (along with Eylisa Skye) plus a 5 year Treatment, answered thousands of e-mails, written the Forewords for 7 books, developed the largest A Course in Miracles study group in the world (The DU Discussion Group at Yahoo), had his book published in 21 languages, including on Mainland China, where he’ll be traveling to speak soon, and also began to make more time for writing. Gary’s third book, Love Has Forgotten No One, will be published by Hay House on October 8.

To learn more about Gary Renard and his work, please visit: www.garyrenard.com

To get your copy of The Disappearance of the Universe, please click here.

To get your copy of Your Immortal Reality, please click here.

To get your copy of Love Has Forgotten No One, please click here.

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