Michael Shermer, the founder of Skeptic Magazine and the author of Why People Believe Weird Things and The Science of Good and Evil joins Eldon to discuss his latest book, The Believing Brain. You’ll want to catch his provocative theory on whybeliefs are born, formed, reinforced, challenged, changed, and extinguished!
Dr. Michael Shermer is also a monthly columnist for Scientific American, an Adjunct Professor at Claremont Graduate University and Chapman University, and the author of Why Darwin Matters, The Mind of the Market, and How We Believe.
In The Believing Brain, one of the world’s best known skeptics and critical thinkers Dr. Michael Shermer—founding publisher of Skeptic magazine and perennial monthly columnist (“Skeptic”) for Scientific American—presents his comprehensive theory on how beliefs are born, formed, nourished, reinforced, challenged, changed, and extinguished. This book synthesizes Dr. Shermer’s 30 years of research to answer the questions of how and why we believe what we do in all aspects of our lives, from our suspicions and superstitions to our politics, economics, and social beliefs. In this book Dr. Shermer is interested in more than just why people believe weird things, or why people believe this or that claim, but in why people believe anything at all.
To learn more about Dr. Shermer and his work, please visit www.michaelshermer.com/
To get your copy of The Believing Brain, please click here.