

January 21, 2014

The Perception of Truth

“An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it.” Mahatma Gandhi   Imagine that we have six witnesses from whom we are collecting evidence. One witness states emphatically that the accused broke into her home. The next witness is equally adamant that the accused was home in bed with her at the time in question. Another witness states that they saw the man crawl through a ground level window as they were passing in their automobile, and yet still ... Read More

November 27, 2013

What Is an Authentic Life?

I am often asked two questions, “What is an authentic life?” and “How does one know whether or not they are living authentically?” Sometimes the best way to answer a question is to provide a clear understanding of its opposite, so what would an inauthentic life look like? After all, we are living, breathing, eating animals, doing natural things, so just what is meant by living inauthentically? The quick answer is probably less than satisfying. The quick answer is living a life untrue to ourselves, but then, what exactly does ... Read More

August 1, 2013

To Take or to Give

There seems to be a lot of conversation these days about the so-called “entitled ones.” Indeed, like a label designed to besmirch certain groups or ideas, “entitlement” is used to demean many social welfare programs just as “Tea Party” is used to belittle and categorize certain conservatives Part of my research involves evaluating positioning methods used to frame arguments and people and I have therefore invested a great deal of thought on labels. Recently, I had an experience that gave rise to a realization. Let me flesh that out some. ... Read More

July 19, 2013

Personal Best: Prosperity Power

One of my early lessons in life came as the result of a question I asked of a minister. In all teenage pomp and wisdom, I interrupted the man and suggested that his statement, “All men are equal,” was obviously unmitigated rubbish — a bald face lie! Unlike most who might have simply dismissed my arrogant query with words such as, “In the eyes of God — all men are created equal in the eyes of God,” he quite calmly asked me to imagine two men — the first, a ... Read More

July 8, 2013

The Subtraction Game

It is a natural human characteristic to desire a certain quality of life. As such, it is fair to ask, What is quality of life? Most, when thoughtful, consider quality of life to include at least the following three characteristics: 1) absence of fear, 2) loving relationships (support), and 3) fulfillment of necessities (food, water, shelter, and health care). Contrast these desired characteristics with the typical self-image, and a couple of issues immediately emerge. First among them is the fear generated within ourselves over the risk of exposure or rejection. ... Read More