In today’s blog I would like to draw attention to the role of dharma and karma in reincarnation. As most already know, karma is all about what the good book refers to as, “What you sow is what you reap,” so called karma-laden consequences. According to this proposition, one can accumulate both karmic credits and karmic debits during a lifetime. Further, this credit-debit system carries over to future lives and as such, one may be born into a life of suffering in order to square their karma. Indeed, the Eastern ... Read More
In this week’s spotlight I want to draw your attention to the growing interest in thought-controlled robots. Indeed, it’s not just thought-controlled robots but thought-controlled everything. This is a rapidly expanding field. There are already thought-controlled prosthetic limbs, wheel chairs, computers, helicopters, and even genes. Indeed, Scientific American Mind, Volume 26, Issue 2, reported on work already completed in this area. Quoting from the article, “ A team of bioengineers in Switzerland has taken the first step toward this cyborglike setup by combining a brain-computer interface with a synthetic biological ... Read More
In this week’s spotlight I would like to focus on the idea that our conscious minds have much less control than we think. For over thirty years now I have researched the workings of the mind. Indeed, the reason our patented InnerTalk technology exists is due to an earlier discovery that suggested the non-conscious provided the conscious mind with its alternatives. In other words, some stimuli might come along and how we would react was not a matter of anything more than the alternatives written in the non-conscious. So, for ... Read More
This week I wish to bring draw attention to a couple of new pieces of research that directly impact our understanding of what it is to be human. The first is the incredible new link discovered between the brain and the immune system. This discovery has literally overturned decades of teaching. Researchers have discovered vessels connecting the brain and the immune system directly. Textbooks The old textbooks insisted on no direct connection but the new discovery actually maps the vessel connection between the lymphatic system and the brain. This provides ... Read More
In this week’s blog I wish to focus our attention on memory. One of the things I most enjoyed during those days when I practiced criminalistics was forensic hypnosis sessions. It never ceased to amaze me how, in an altered state of consciousness, the mind could retrieve information otherwise unavailable. Indeed, in my book, Self Hypnosis and Subliminal Technology I shared a few stories about just how much detail could actually be recovered. For instance, under hypnosis a convicted murderer was able to access information from months prior that occurred while ... Read More