This week I would like to spotlight the approaching political arena. Regardless of your political orientation, all of us are about to hear more and more about the stuff we get and the stuff we should fear—and our vote may be the deciding factor. Fear Mongers We will hear fear mongers warn of dooms day events if we fail to elect certain candidates, and we will hear of a cornucopia of freebies and other gifts that we might receive if we but vote the right way. Unfortunately, politics today is ... Read More
Today I wish to draw your attention once again to the ever increasing role information is playing in all of our lives. By now you are all aware of the collection of data that resides some where on virtually everyone of us. Much of this data is not about our medical health, or our insurance policies, or our driving record, or any other matter of this nature—for much of the data is about our profiles, our likes and dislikes, our attitudes, our ambitions, our favorite movies, preferred politicians, opinions regarding ... Read More
In this week’s spotlight I want to address the notion of separation as we hear it taught in new age circles today. This teaching generally asserts that separation is an illusion and that we are all one. Further, if we but halted the attention given to duality, duality would cease to exist. In other words, the only evil in the world is in the mind of the perceiver. Change your perception, refuse to acknowledge lower vibrations, hateful energies, and negativity in the world and it will all go away—because it ... Read More
Music and its role in our lives is the subject of this week’s blog. Every week on my radio show, Provocative Enlightenment, we get three musical favorites from our guests that we play when we come back from breaks, and then I ask, “Why this one and what does it tell us about who you are?” It’s often interesting, to say the least, the amount of self-disclosure that comes from this exercise. For example, we have had guests who suggest everything is all about oneness, peace and plenty and then ... Read More
This week I would like to return to our theme of minding minds, or is it mining minds? In weeks past I have discussed how technology promises to do everything from read our thoughts to literally direct them—and I’m not speaking of potential technologies! No—those technologies already exist and are being improved upon for deployment in the very near future in a number of overt, and I’m sure, covert trials. Mining Minds When most people think of the mind and our thoughts, they draw upon images of a linear lexical ... Read More