

February 16, 2016

Why Lying Works

This week I would like to discuss the power of lies. Not long ago I had a conversation with Dr. Dan Ariely, author of “The Honest Truth About Dishonesty.” His research is provocative to say the least for it clearly demonstrates that everyone lies. I suppose that should come as no real surprise, but if that’s so, then why should we be concerned about the lies told in politics? After all, with the Internet and our instant access to news and fact checkers, you would think that it was now ... Read More

February 11, 2016

Political Frames

This week I’d like to discuss “framing.” Frames become definitions and often we act upon them without ever consciously recognizing their absurdity. An example may be helpful here. Think back to UK’s Got Talent and Susan Boyle. If you missed this show, just imagine a disheveled, slightly overweight, middle-aged woman dressed in a Circa ‘50’s house dress, coming onto the stage to sing. Nothing about this woman offered the slightest hint that she could sing. The audience began jeering and even the judges were exchanging smirks with each other while ... Read More

February 5, 2016

Illusion of Understanding

Not long ago a study, which I posted on my FaceBook page, informed us that discussion can take place when folks are asked to explain their opinions. The study pointed out the need for us to begin to communicate instead of argue and offered a path to wider agreement—one of patiently hearing out a full and complete explanation. The idea behind this approach is referred to as an “Illusion of Understanding.” 1 Why does this work? Informed? The reason we find people are willing to begin talking instead of arguing ... Read More

February 1, 2016

Waitresses in Red

Today I wish to draw your attention once again to some of the games played to win your hearts and minds. Just a few days ago I saw Donald Trump appear on television at a rally, open collar, no tie, red baseball cap, and the American Flag pin on his lapel. So what? Primes Do you know the power of the color red? Did you know that a waitress will get larger tips if she wears red and this is regardless of the customer’s gender? Are you aware that the ... Read More

January 29, 2016

Ambush Tip?

Did Donald Trump have someone embedded at Fox that tipped him off to what may have been an embarrassing and compromising debate? Is that why he really pulled out? Conjecture Now this is pure conjecture, but consider this. It is unlikely that Megyn Kelly alone was of any real concern to Trump. It is also improbable that the snarky remark tweeted out by Fox was the cause anymore than Kelly’s own defense, in her words, “If you can’t get past me, how are you gonna handle Vladimir Putin?” So what ... Read More