This week I wish to further our conversation regarding the arrival of the Orwellian age. My recent blog on privacy received this comment from Shelley, “GWEN towers, HARP, Apple (not the phone), ‘The Scent of Fear’, Marketing, Subliminal Messaging in the media, fluoride in the water and nobody seems too concerned about anything that our Government is doing. Our children are being force fed stimulant drugs and I don’t think it is a coincidence that during project MKUltra we discovered that stimulants made people more susceptible to hypnotic suggestion. What ... Read More
In today’s spotlight I would like to draw your attention to the age of disappearing privacy. I recently addressed the new emojis Facebook is using to measure emotional reactions, all as an admitted expansion of their data mining efforts. If you missed this show, check out my blog at for details. Today I would like to discuss another aspect of what is referred to commonly as the arrival of the Orwellian age, and that is the eyes that are on you everywhere. Facial Recognition We marvel at technology today ... Read More
False-consensus This week I want to address the “false-consensus bias” and some of the outrage that we see playing out so publicly today. What exactly is the false-consensus bias? Please allow me to explain it by way of an example. I recently posted this comment about the passing of Nancy Reagan, “She was a wonderful human being and a great First Lady–rest in peace Mrs. Reagan.” Right away this remark was added by a Facebook friend, “That’s not how I remember her. You need to get smart!” Okay, think about ... Read More
Psycho-social Experiments This week I learned that Facebook admitted it will use data gathered when you use the new emojis to alter your News Feed and learn more about what you like. The article, which appeared in the Minds Journal, adds this, “Though Facebook often disputes suspicions its updates are psycho-social experiments, the platform’s notorious 2014 study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, proved users can’t be confident they aren’t. Facebook users became unwitting social media lab rats when data scientists manipulated the news feeds of ... Read More
This week’s spotlight is all about misleading or flagrant deceptions. Anyone who uses the Internet quickly discovers what photoshopping means. There are several forms of this, some more covert and perhaps innocent than others. For example, if I want to say something like, “We live in a universe that reveals its Creator every time we sense that special feeling of awe,” the best way to make this little statement gain traction is to give it to someone like Einstein or Gandhi. You don’t have to say they said it, just ... Read More