What are the acceptable limits for training our young people to behave according to approved standards? What are approved standards? Exactly what is considered to be good and bad behavior? Is it bad behavior for a youngster to wear a shirt with a picture of the American flag on it? Is it unacceptable behavior for a student to bless their food before eating in school? Is it wrong for a child to ask questions? Should a child remain silent when something is said that is contrary to the teachings of their parents? Should a child always behave like the adults in school?
Well—the answer is and should be, it depends! There are so many horror stories of children led astray by adults, that a responsible parent today must caution their children about who, what and when to obey the so-called authority. Enter this story from New Zealand.
Headline: “School Plans to Tag Students with Microchip Bracelets to Encourage ‘Good Behavior’.” Now what do you think of that?
The story continues:
“In a move that sounds like something out of a frightening dystopian fiction, a school in New Zealand has come under intense criticism from parents for attempting to introduce a scheme to tag children with microchips in order to promote good behavior.
Fairfax Media reports that Swannanoa School in North Canterbury plans to attach chipped bracelets to students to track their behavior. Many parents were not notified of the scheme, only finding out about it via minutes from a Parent Teacher Association meeting.
When the local media investigated the proposal, the school finally sent out notifications to parents. A letter from the principal suggested that the plan was more efficient than alternatives such as ID cards, which could be misplaced.
The school has even gone as far as measuring up the wrists of children in preparation for the plan, which it says will cost $7000 to set up.
Under the proposal, the devices locked to kids’ arms would allow teachers to use portable scanners in order to add reward points to a student’s good behavior record, stored on a database. Students would be rewarded points when they did something teachers determined to be positive, and incentives would be enhanced with the promise of prizes for reaching a certain amount of points.
The chips would contain information including names, points tally and the schoolhouse that students belonged to. The school claims that the devices would not have a GPS tracker.”
Have we gone too far when we begin to monitor our children with microchip bracelets? Or not—for after all, college professor and MSNBC host, Melissa Harris-Perry, professor of political science at Tulane University, where she is founding director of the Anna Julia Cooper Project on Gender, Race, and Politics in the South, said, “We have to break through our private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families.” Kids belong to whole communities, she insists, and once we realize this we’ll make “better investments” in government indoctrination of children. https://www.infowars.com/your-kids-belong-to-the-collective/
Could it be true? Do your children belong to the government? Research together with precedent suggests that indeed they do. The fact is, the government can step in as they have in the past on a Federal, state and local level, and take your children. A quick search of records shows some really inane reasons for seizing children as though they were the property of drug dealers. Take this instance for example. A couple was charged with reading the Bible to their children without training and for this their children were taken. https://famguardian.org/PublishedAuthors/Media/Antishyster/V08N1-CorpOwnershipOfChildren.pdf
What you might say? We are all aware of the case of Justina Pelltier, some say kidnapped by the hospital she was taken to by her parents according to the instructions of the girl’s primary physician. In other words, the parents did exactly as their doctor told them to do and the state stepped in and took their daughter for doing so. Sure they eventually had their daughter returned to them, but not until the parents exhausted every foreseeable remedy, spent a personal fortune and invested more than a year in getting their daughter back.
So, what do we do if the state decides to use microchips in schools to monitor our children? The Affordable Care health bill contains a piece that calls for medical tagging, microchips, allegedly to eliminate health care errors. Are we really too far behind New Zealand’s proposal to use micro chipping for monitoring purposes? I am so reminded of Orwell and 1984! To quote Mr. Orwell, “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”
That goes for all people, teachers, principals, politicians and so on! How can one consider themselves truly free in a world of microchip monitoring? As Abe Lincoln stated, “Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.”
Thanks for the read,