I was recently asked why people are so resistant to the idea that their unconscious is active in every single thing they choose or do? In other words, why is it so hard to accept the fact that every one of us has two minds, and that these two minds don’t always agree with each other? In my opinion, that’s a very good question.
Defining Free Will
On a recent Provocative Enlightenment radio show, I spoke with Professor Patrick Grim about the idea of freewill. He is convinced that we must believe in freewill to live but we should give serious thought to redefining what we mean by freewill because it’s not as simple as most think. Indeed, it’s much more complicated than “Do I do this, or do I do that?”
The fact is, most of our choices/decisions are already made when our conscious mind begins to entertain them. This is due to how the mind works. Analogically, the conscious question is the screen language we see on our computers while the machine language/programming exists in the unconscious. That’s another way to say our programming defines the limited alternatives we see as our choices, and then it encourages the choice that best fits the programming.
Self-Sabotaging Programming
We all have self-sabotaging scripts that run in our biocomputer programming–ranging from things like fear of success to weight loss. These self-sabotaging scripts are employed for defense, compensation, and/or avoidance strategies. We also all harbor doubt, fear, anger, and so forth as part of who we are, along with so much more that is written in the unconscious program undergirding our conscious activity.
The end result can lead to holding ourselves back from opportunity or unconsciously sabotaging our conscious ambitions. So, we tell ourselves we’re going to change something, eat less, exercise more, stop some addictive behavior, be more personable, build better relationships, make more money, and on and on. Unfortunately, if the unconscious program is not in agreement with the conscious attitude–we fail to change. Again, analogically, it’s a bit like trying to get to the “C” prompt on a Mac computer without ever knowing what the terminal is or how to use it. More importantly, if it were just a computer problem, we might learn the technology and solve the problem much more willingly than learning about our own mental workings and changing them.
Reliable Solution
I imagined a technology that could access the machine language and rewrite all of those negative patterns, and that eventually led to developing and patenting our InnerTalk method. InnerTalk dialogues directly with the unconscious in a proven way to change those negative self-concepts while building a positive self-profile from the inside out. That said, since InnerTalk works as reliably as aspirin or better (it’s been proven effective in numerous independent scientific double-blind studies) why is it that you don’t find it everywhere?
Educated Not to Think
I believe the answer to that question rests on how most are educated. Think about your life for a moment–were you encouraged or discouraged from asking questions? I know from experience that most families discourage independent thinking and so does our educations system. We are not taught to think–we are taught to repeat what we’re told. We’re even tested on our ability to remember everything we are taught.
Accepting Our Short Comings
This leads to accepting things as they are. So, we accept our own shortcomings and self-imposed limitations because that’s just normal. We become lemmings when the world tells us something is good or bad, normal or abnormal, etc. After all, some won the evolutionary lottery and others–well they simply weren’t so lucky.
Waking Up
I trust that since you are receiving this newsletter, you are not one of those who simply accept life as is. If you know someone who does, perhaps you can help them wake up, for within every human being is a potential for greatness beyond the expectations of most.
As we here at Progressive Awareness approach our 36 Birthday, I want to thank all of you for the wonderful opportunity you have provided us by daring to think about thinking. Your many stories of success drive me every day to find still more ways to make life-changing facilitations available. I am both honored and humbled by this opportunity.
I want to wish you all the very best of everything!
Be well and happy,
Eldon Taylor
Provocative Enlightenment Radio
NY Time Bestselling Author of Choices and Illusion