This week I want to direct your attention to another interesting and subtle form of propaganda. Recently I spotted an ad on Reddit that read, “Science AMA Series: We are physicists Rush Holt and Frank von Hippel, here to answer your technical questions on the Iran Nuclear Deal (and anything else) AMA!”
Wow—think of it. When I clicked the link this is what I read:
The Authority Speaks
We recently co-authored an open letter to President Obama, which was signed by several dozen prominent scientists, supporting the nuclear deal with Iran. We are physicists and experts in nuclear issues, and are here to answer questions about the science and technology of producing fissile materials and nuclear weapons, operating nuclear power plants, and monitoring these and other activities to prevent nuclear proliferation, especially as they relate to the proposed Iran deal.
The copy continued with the credits of the two scientists, and again I quote:
Rush Holt: I am an astrophysicist and currently head of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). I was a New Jersey congressman from 1999-2015, and a five-time Jeopardy champion who beat IBM’s supercomputer Watson. I have worked on international security and proliferation issues for many years, both in and out of government.
Frank von Hippel: I am a physicist and professor at the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton, where I work on nuclear arms control, nonproliferation, and energy issues. I was founding co-chair of the International Panel on Fissile Materials (IPFM), served as assistant director for national security in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy from 1993-4, and am a MacArthur fellow.
Since there are two of us, we’ve enlisted a helper to collate our answers, but we’ll leave our names so you know who’s talking. Close quote.
Now the first thing I did was to look up these two men. Rush Holt is a prominent Democrat and Frank von Hippel is also a Democrat according to the democratic He was a former chairman of the Federation of American Scientists, and assistant director for national security in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy during the Clinton administration.
Alright, so I left a question on the forum, one I would have you think about. This is what I said:
Since this debate is as much a political issue as anything else, I would like to know your party affiliations. Mr. Holt is a Democrat and therefore one can expect he is likely to lean in support of the current administration. I think I can assume from Dr. von Hippel’s involvement in areas of policy research including nuclear arms control and nonproliferation, energy, and checks and balances in policy making for technology, and remarks regarding Fukushima, that he is also a Democrat. I don’t mean to imply that this disqualifies you but it certainly casts doubt, especially when other respected scientists disagree. So here is my question, “Are you here in this forum for propaganda reasons? Is that at least a part of your objective? Thank you.”
Does it matter that two distinguished scientists who are also Democrats are promoting the Democratic President’s agenda? Should what they have to say be downgraded because we recognize a hidden agenda?
What about the other side of this issue? There are a number of scientists that oppose the deal as well as many retired admirals and generals. But what happens when a social psychologist behind the scenes decides to combat resistance with scientific support? Well, the thing to do is get several qualified scientists together who have received monies, grants, etc., and have them write a letter supporting the President, and see that it is sent to the press as well, and then jump on forums like Reddit and sell the program.
Censorship–Control the Argument
So you might wonder, how did they answer my question? Well it seems they took it off the forum. So I asked, “Why did you take my question down about your Democratic affiliations? Both of you have received monies, have you not, as a result of your Democratic Party activities—as an elected official in one instance, and as a member of Clinton’s staff in the other. Is that not relevant to your position backing the current administrations effort to get the Iran deal passed?”
Well guess what they did with that one? It disappeared almost immediately.
Please don’t misunderstand me. I am not intending to take a position on the Iran deal. I am instead attempting to flush out of the background the reason this sort of thing goes on how and why it affects most voters. Be wise, pay attention, don’t take anything at face value, do your homework—then make your decision.
For an in depth look at the many ploys used to manipulate the masses, read my new on, “Gotcha! The Subordination of Free Will.”
Thanks for the read,
Eldon Taylor
Provocative Enlightenment
NY Time Bestselling Author of Choices and Illusions