Today I wish to draw your attention once again to the ever increasing role information is playing in all of our lives. By now you are all aware of the collection of data that resides some where on virtually everyone of us. Much of this data is not about our medical health, or our insurance policies, or our driving record, or any other matter of this nature—for much of the data is about our profiles, our likes and dislikes, our attitudes, our ambitions, our favorite movies, preferred politicians, opinions regarding everything from the meaning of life to our involvement in it. What’s on our grocery list, what television shows we watch, where we shop, the form or means that we pay our bills with, where we bank, who we associate with and who our family members are. Where we live, who we give money to, where we volunteer, what kind of car we drive, where we were married, and on and on. Today, in some way or another, you and I have been branded by someone as a target for something—have no doubt about that!
The Information Age
Today we are facing a whole new world—one of “The Information Age” in full bloom, and already there has been some nasty fallout. Take for instance the situation with Target sending a pregnant teenage girl baby coupons before her father even knew she was pregnant, or the practice by some companies to gather information from domestic violence shelters and/or lists of dementia patients in order to target market fragile families.
Just this past week we learned that the little tool we all put on our smart phones, the flashlight, is designed to collect our information and forward it on. Our credit card info, our GPS location, our personal data, etc. is forwarded to sites located in China, India and Russia. The top ten flashlight utilities all operate this way. Look at your own flashlight, if it takes up a meg or more, it’s no doubt forwarding your information. 1
I spent years researching and assembling the hard data on the efforts that are in practice today to shape your needs and thinking. I share this information with you in my newest book, Gotcha: The Subordination of Free Will. Over 400 pages and I could just as well have written another 400—so please, take my word, you are already on some list and targeted for something. Please don’t fail to become aware of how this impacts everyone of us—for it is only by becoming aware that we stand a chance to be anything other than the compliant consumption animal trained by the elite.
Every piece of information that you surrender is but a sliver in a much larger board. Slivers amount to nothing until they’re added to one another, and finally, your hit over the head with a 2×4. It is the pattern that matters, for every sliver does indeed add to one another until there is no denying the weight of the wooden club held over our heads.
Inviting the Wolf
I hope this matters to you for if it doesn’t, someone else will enjoy the labors of your life and you are likely to depart this world far less happy and fulfilled than you deserve. For as Stephen Jay Gould, paleontologist and educator at Harvard University, said, “When people learn no tools of judgment and merely follow their hopes, the seeds of political manipulation are sown. ” In my view, refusing to become informed, truly informed, is inviting the wolf in!
Thanks for the read,
Eldon Taylor
Provocative Enlightenment
NY Time Bestselling Author of Choices and Illusions
1 Flashlight apps are spying on users Android, iOS, Windows Phone smartphones, is yours on the list?