

August 18, 2023

The Stagnation: Margins in Belief

Compare the history and evolution of science to the descriptions of the universe as offered by religion. The evolution of religion lacked the same dynamic self-examination that led to so many scientific discoveries. Religion stagnated as culture changed and education levels increased. Read More

August 9, 2023

Succumbing to Feelings of Ennui and Despair?

More and more people today are reporting feelings of listlessness, tedium, boredom, and general dissatisfaction with life. This at a time when the available choice of stimulation in our world has never been higher. With all this stimulation, why would so many people feel ennui? Read More

July 13, 2023

Choosing the Right Thinking

In a recent conversation, it became clear to me that many people believe the way they think is the only way they can think. In other words, their mind provides them with not just what they are thinking, but the way they think. Now, stop and think about that (pun intended). We all know the old saying, “There is more than one way to skin a cat,” Well, there is also more than one way to think. The mind is literally a story machine and the stories it tells us ... Read More

March 2, 2023

Refuting Science’s View Regarding the Irrationality of Faith

It is not what a book says that matters, but rather what it does. Questioning Spirituality is not about proving or disproving the presence of a Divine power, but only about the rationality of believing that such a thing could exist. The beauty of this book is that it delivers—opening doors that many believe should be kept tightly closed. Read More

February 2, 2023

Unlock Success with InnerTalk: Subliminal Messages to Transform Your Life!

Are you looking for an effective way to unlock success in your life? InnerTalk might be the solution you’ve been searching for. InnerTalk is a patented technology that uses a special double-masked (dichotic) subliminal message system to help you reach your highest potential and achieve success. In this blog post, we’ll explore the power of InnerTalk and how it can help you unlock success. What is InnerTalk? InnerTalk is a patented technology. It is a special type of audio technology that delivers positive affirmations to the subconscious mind. These affirmations, ... Read More