Eldon Taylor's New York Times Best-Seller, Choices and Illusions. Now revised, expanded and updated! Comes with a free InnerTalk program entitled Unlimited Personal Power (a $27.95 value).
Buy Now Additional Info From The Book Press/Media InfoThis fascinating book holds an important key. Whether you’re interested in the science of thinking and beliefs, how your own mind operates, how others control your thoughts, why things just don’t work out for you, how you can create the life you’ve always wanted, how you can realize your true potential, how you can find peace, or, on a grander scale, how you can help make the world a better place, this book provides insights for all. Simply reading it will open your eyes to new worlds of possibilities. You’ll change once you’re exposed to the illusions most live under and by, and putting into practice any of these very simple teachings will open the door for you to achieve your highest potential.
Choices and Illusions tells the story of one man's journey into the workings of the human mind and our reason for being. The adventure is every bit as exciting as the best of scientific discoveries. Eldon Taylor's approach is scientific and pragmatic, and his conclusions are inspirational and soul enhancing. Choices and Illusions is the perfect blend of science and spirituality. Along the journey you will hear fantastic stories of divine intervention, learn why you think and do what you do not wish to do, and understand the very clear message that it is never too late, regardless of your past actions. Eldon says, "Many believe that self-help and self improvement is about rags to riches, failure to success, and so forth, when indeed it is the beginning of a journey into self- discovery. Inside every human being is an eternal truth and a life purpose. Using our mind power is simply starting the engine on that journey of self-discovery and highest self actualization."
"Many believe that self-help and self-improvement is about rags to riches, failure to success, and so forth, when indeed it's the beginning of a journey into self-discovery. Inside every human being is an eternal truth and a life purpose. Using our mind power is simply starting the engine on that path toward highest self-actualization."
“Read this book! We are living at a time when people are searching for answers to fundamental questions in their lives. This book can be, if applied, a road map to personal enlightenment and empowerment. I believe it can 'tune in' the frequency you are currently operating on. More important, it helps you see that you can manifest change.”
“Choices and Illusions is a smart, practical book by a grand master of the mind. If you want to get out of the box of your own thinking, and touch a greater reality, Eldon Taylor can show you how.”
“More and more people are reaching out today in search of answers to life. Sometimes the search is to understand relationships, improve performance, or become successful—unfortunately, most people look outside of themselves for both the answers and the best actions. They excuse themselves with rationalizations. If only the universe would give me a break. If only he or she would change. If only I had been born differently, and so on. If you’ve found yourself somewhere in life where you don’t want to be, then read Choices and Illusions.”
“I can see why Choices and Illusions became a New York Times bestseller when it was first released—and this revised edition offers so much more. This is the best guidebook to show you how you got where you are and how you can get to where you would rather be. Once again, in his enlightening and compelling style, Eldon Taylor reveals inestimably valuable information to help you achieve the success you seek in any of your goals.”
“Choices and Illusions opens our minds to explore inwardly—to explore how our minds work and how to harness our minds to become clear about our purpose in life and the Love that we are.”
“This is an extraordinary and complete overview of mind and consciousness from someone who has been demonstrating it in his life for many years.”
“When you realize just how much of your actions are automatic and how many of your choices are actually made by your subconscious, you understand the illusion we all have lived most of our lives! Eldon Taylor’s book Choices and Illusions delivers both the path in and the way out to move from where you are to where you want to be, and it does so in straight talk everyone can understand. This book should be required reading for young and old alike!”
“In Choices and Illusions, Eldon Taylor takes us on a delightful and provocative odyssey through the corridors of consciousness. Using solid science, practical spirituality, and common sense, he shows that our perceptions can be changed—and, once different, can catalyze dramatic improvements in our health and well-being.”
“Your mind is incredibly powerful. You have been brought to this exact moment in your life by your thoughts. In Choices and Illusions, Eldon Taylor offers clear guidelines for changing your life and your choices for the better.”
“Taylor has reached the mind-magic fulcrum by creating a matrix for shifting perceptual reality. A bold work! The extent that consciousness pervaded the landscape of inquiry above life itself is indeed the frontier of evolutionary science.”
“Choices and Illusions is a valuable addition that many individuals will find accessible and helpful.”
“Transformationally insightful and thought provoking, Dr. Eldon Taylor’s Choices and Illusions examines the most basic assumptions we hold and take for granted. Dr. Taylor clearly elucidates how our thought patterns and beliefs impact our realities; shape our futures; and contribute to our self-esteem, happiness, success, and fulfillment—or to the lack of these desirable qualities. His fresh perspectives regarding the many assaults we receive from the outside world daily and how the invisible paradigms we are subject to limit our joy, personal power, and ability to step into our potential open up an entirely new world of possibilities for our growth and development. Dr. Taylor is one of the foremost philosophers of our time, and his book is a great contribution to empowering our lives and sourcing our magnificence. I strongly recommend it.”
“I thoroughly enjoyed Eldon Taylor’s work of wisdom. It will lead the reader to a glimpse of the 'Open Mind,' which merges science and spirituality.”
“I have known and admired Eldon Taylor for over 20 years. When we were struggling to build America’s first National Judo Institute in Colorado, Eldon called to discuss the psychological progress of our athletes. He volunteered to visit us at his own expense to create a subliminal audio program for our Judo champions. We worked out the affirmations with Eldon’s help and used the program a great deal. That audio program was, I believe, an important factor in our winning first place in America as a team for several years, securing several spots on the 1992 US Olympic Judo Team,
and Kate Donahoo’s fifth place finish in those Olympics.
Now I am very excited about Dr. Taylor’s new book, Choices and Illusions. To me, it not only gives the scientific background we need to understand how subliminal learning takes place, but it also ties our minds in with the only logical explanation of reality I know. It simply proves to me again, in a scientific and wonderful way, how our minds are part of the one reality, and how we are inhibited from realizing that reality by our conditioning, attitudes, and beliefs. Then the book goes on to let us know how we can return home to our true nature. I don’t believe there is a more important book on human happiness than Choices and Illusions.”
“I think few today would deny the connection between the body and mind— particularly with respect to one’s mental and physical well-being. Dr. Taylor has gone into intricate detail to show some of the deeply hidden ways in which we ‘create’ our successes and disappointments in life. But most of all, he shares how we might all consciously design the life we truly desire and proceed to achieve it. En route, he points out that we are likely to experience ‘tests’—and, in fact, a never-ending series of tests that are the source of our continuing learning and growth. And somewhere along this journey—independent of age—he suggests we quite naturally discover a deeper dimension of ourselves, the spiritual. Finally, Dr. Taylor points out discovering that wholeness—body, mind, and spirit—within ourselves is the true source of happiness. Along this journey of continually discovering happiness, he discusses the detailed workings of the mind and suggests ways we can transform our deeply ingrained fears into empowering, motivating beliefs about ourselves. The result is a book that will not only change your perspective of life, but also result in a deeper understanding, empathy, and compassion for others. I highly recommend Choices and Illusions—it’s a must read!”
“Why do we have such a difficult time making and sticking with changes we wish to incorporate in our lives? A challenging question, indeed, and it’s been addressed by many self-help gurus and spiritual groups. Although well intentioned, few actually succeed in ‘helping’ others to help themselves. They inspire for a brief moment, but the changes rarely kick in and stay put! Choices and Illusions explains not only why this phenomenon happens repeatedly, but actually provides a pathway around the subconscious saboteur that impedes one’s progress. Dr. Eldon Taylor, a well-respected expert in the field of subliminal communication, leads the reader into a place of simplified understanding of the discipline that brings an end to the war between the heart and the head, between spirit and science. In a time when we’re desperately seeking a balance between the dualities in our lives, Choices and Illusions provides a true recipe for success, sans the confusion which often accompanies the arrogance of intellectualism. There isn’t a person alive who wouldn’t benefit from this read!”