

February 2, 2017

Defining the Undefinable

In this week’s spotlight we shine a light on a really big question. I was recently asked to explain what I meant by God. Now that’s a good task for anyone including those of the highest clerical rank in any religion. I might have quipped with something like, well God to me is the Grand Organizing Designer, but that somehow is totally unsatisfactory. Indeed, it simply replaces one name with another. That said, definitions such as omnipotent and omniscient find their way into contradictions like, “Well if God is all ... Read More

January 26, 2017

Choices, Illusions, Free-Will, or Determinism?

fMRI studies have shown that not only does the subconscious feed our thoughts and choices, but a technician watching the brain live-time making a decision will know what we are going to decide several seconds before we do. Read More

January 19, 2017

Questions? Avoid the Mysteries? Or Question Again?

We can be very interesting creatures at times—us homo sapien sapiens. We hear of the church choir that did not show up for rehearsal the night the church was struck by lightening and burnt to the ground. We listen intently as we learn that of the eight people who never missed a practice in years, all eight for different pressing reasons unknown to each other, failed to be inside that burning church where they most certainly would have perished if they had attended the scheduled practice like always. It was ... Read More

January 13, 2017

The Anomalies in Life

This week I wish to bring your attention to those seemingly small miracles that we often miss in our lives. Let me begin with a story. One night as I drifted off to sleep, I reflected on unexplained events in my life and wondered, What does that mean? The next morning as I dressed, I heard someone on the television in the next room saying, “It’s amazing. The window washer fell 500 feet, and he lived. That story and more, next.” I asked myself, What does that mean? What does ... Read More

January 5, 2017


This week I wish to discuss self-sabotage. Most people are totally unaware that they are sometimes controlled by internal mechanisms that are designed to protect, but that actually function to sabotage certain goals in their lives. The fact is, all of us possess self-destructive elements that can manifest at any time and in a variety of ways. This not-so-silent enemy within usually remains in stealth mode despite its repeated pattern of interference with our own self-declared desires. Definitions Psychologists define self-destructive patterns this way. “Behavior is said to be self-sabotaging when ... Read More