January 29, 2016

Ambush Tip?

The dangerous virus was ambushed. (vector and illustration)

Did Donald Trump have someone embedded at Fox that tipped him off to what may have been an embarrassing and compromising debate? Is that why he really pulled out?


Now this is pure conjecture, but consider this. It is unlikely that Megyn Kelly alone was of any real concern to Trump. It is also improbable that the snarky remark tweeted out by Fox was the cause anymore than Kelly’s own defense, in her words, “If you can’t get past me, how are you gonna handle Vladimir Putin?” So what might be the real reason?

In my book, “Gotcha! The Subordination of Free Will,” there are several chapters devoted to the manipulation psychology involved in politics. One area discussed is the embedding of folks within the media, how and why this is done, and when and where it can affect so-called news stories. It’s not necessary to fully flesh this method out here because for the moment, I want you to just assume that maybe, just maybe, Trump had an insider who tipped him off. Tipped him off to what?

Video Montages

In the last Republican debate before the Iowa caucuses, Fox used embarrassing video montages on both Senators Cruz and Rubio. The videos depicted compromising position switches by both men and were accompanied by questions regarding the veracity of their current assertions. Now you may begin to get the picture. You can bet they were ready with more of the same for Trump. Indeed, it’s my bet that they had several for Trump and the videos aimed at Cruz and Rubio were there primarily to disguise the attack on Trump. This way they could claim to be fairly using this strategy with all of the frontrunners, not just Trump.

If I’m right, Trump was tipped off and was therefore wise in finding a reason not to attend the debate. Rupert Murdock has been very public regarding his dislike for Trump, criticizing him on several fronts. Rupert Murdoch is Executive Chairman of News Corp, and has a history of inserting his beliefs in American politics. He owns 175 newspapers including the New York Post, 35 television stations in the US, the Fox News cable networks, and numerous other media outlets including the entertainment side of things as represented by Twentieth Century Fox Studios.


I tend to believe that Murdock’s team was ready to discredit Trump with several videos showing his earlier more liberal views and contrasting them against the formal conservative statements that have become planks in his political platform during his campaign for President of the United States.

It may be a fair question to ask about these position changes, but is it fair and balanced media to ambush a candidate you disapprove of? You decide. For me, it might have made for a very entertaining evening had Trump attended the debate, but the mockery of the system left me feeling the force of manipulation aimed squarely at you and me.

As always, I appreciate your feedback and thanks for the read.

Eldon Taylor

Eldon Taylor

Eldon Taylor
Provocative Enlightenment
NY Time Bestselling Author of Choices and Illusions